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As we know, the playground of the internet is ever-changing.  New trends appear constantly, with fresh, improved ways of communicating with your customer.

This can impact on website content of the text, images, videos, animations and auditory components used to create a web page.

Why website content is important

While some elements need regular updating, other changes can be left for longer periods at a time.

So the question, folks is: do we constantly make tweaks and changes in order to remain cutting edge, or is there an optimal frequency when it comes to updating content?

With this question in mind, we take a look at the best practices for frequency of updating content as well as elements which make up the infrastructure of your website:

New content

Blog posts, news items, case studies, portfolio items etc: These should be updated as frequently as possible. Daily is best, but weekly is good.

Tip:  Content can be repurposed so that it appears in different formats as follows:

  • Case Study: Using your blog content as your main source of information, you can get a designer to create a well-designed layout which can be downloaded as a pdf.
  • News: For example, a new offering from the Facebook platform.  This can be repurposed as a blog to show examples of this new development and how the reader can use it to enhance their own content or marketing
  • Portfolio items – showcasing your work can be done on your website under a separate tab such as ‘Projects’. Examples from your portfolio can also be used on your LinkedIn Portfolio pages, providing insights about your work to your potential customer.
  • White papers is an excellent way of sharing the ideas and rationale for creating the final product, while giving your reader valuable information.

Review and polishing static content

Although your website is a live entity, with new content and developments making web design a dynamic process, you will have some key content which remains the same.

It is a good idea to return to this content every few months to see if you can improve on the way you have phrased your copy.  This ensures that content remains fresh and in line with current trends and developments. Also business changes, messages change and so do products and services. So it is a good idea to review these every few months, making sure your information remains up-to-date while having the benefit of adding fresh content to your site.

Technical updates

When using a system like WordPress it is pretty important to get updates done as quickly as possible to keep the website secure.  Note:  When it comes to updates, it is important to know your way around WordPress, to avoid deleting information by mistake.

It is best to opt for professional monitoring of your website which enables daily monitoring, ensuring that they are secure and up-to-date on the technical side.

SEO & Analytics

Website stats need to be reviewed monthly to analyse patterns of bounce rates, referral traffic and to update searchable content.  Knowing the general trends of your visitors enables you to make the necessary changes to improve the overall website experience, keeping your visitor engaged with your website content.

Changing the design

A good website design has a lifespan of about 3 years before it can start looking stale. Including new developments and trends maximises UX and promotes visitor engagement.  Having a clean, modern design which includes best practices, makes your website remain current and can even open the way to engaging with a whole new audience.

Content and design updating helps to break through the clutter, differentiating your brand from other companies and websites in your sector.  Set a timetable to visit different aspects of your site so that it remains fresh and current.  This is key to maintaining a successful site, enabling your website offering to remain current, interesting and engaging to your audience.

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